Essential Oils 4 Cooking

Hi. Thanks for stopping by.                            

My name is Violet Takacs and I like to play around/experiment with cookies and food.  Lately I've been experimenting with Essential Oils as flavoring, and it has been AWESOME!  Most people have never experienced anything like it before, so the feedback I get from friends and family is always, "Wow, these are amazing!"  So, if you want something really special to make your sweets stand out, (even more), you'll love the extra Zing, Bang, Pow Essential Oils will add to your creations!

First, a warning! 

I don't know about you, but I don't mind spending a few extra bucks for quality ingredients, especially when my reputation is on the line.  When it comes to Essential Oils, however, I had no idea what a difference there is out there when shopping for these specialty ingredients.

I didn't know much about Essential Oils, (EOs), except whether or not I liked the smell.  Most of us buy what we like, as cheap as we can find, but ONLY when we assume one is as good as the next... Boy, was I wrong!  Like most people, I didn't question whether EOs are actually pure, high-quality, or even safe for me or my family... but after a bit of investigation, I was shocked to learn:

Not all Essential Oils are created equally, and 
Not all Essential Oils are edible. 

Just like you and me, most companies are also trying to save money, but as you know, this often leads to shortcuts and often a much lower quality product.  Quality products, pure and unadulterated from nature, might cost a bit more, but also tend to be the best AND the safest.  I found out, as I learned more, that EOs, can be used in three ways:  Aromatically, (either smelling/inhaling the pure oil or diffusing it into the air), Topically, (certain oils can be applied directly to the skin or on sore muscles, for example), AND... YAY, they can often be ingested, (in this case, making your cookies or your icing unique and Dee-Lish!)  Now, PLEASE read on, and do your own due diligence and research before you put any essential oils ON your skin, IN your cookies/body, or even inhale them.

Here's what I noticed, (and you will see this for yourself), as I was reading the labels of generic or lesser quality brands... There is almost always a WARNING right on the label, telling you NOT to put it on your skin, and NOT to ingest or use internally.  So, I start wondering... what's in this stuff that makes it unsafe, requiring a warning like that?  And if it's that bad, why would someone even inhale it?  This really bothered me, since they're all labeled, "100% pure" or "100% therapeutic grade"... doesn't that mean they ARE all the same?... NO, they're NOT!  Now, I could take you all the way down the rabbit-hole if you want.  But, for this blog, suffice to say, I've done a lot of research, and I've tried multiple brands.  There is only one brand, I can say I know exactly what I'm getting/putting into my cookies/body.  So, I'm sticking with the only one I trust... Young Living Essential Oils.

BTW, I love their products so much that I have incorporated them into my business!

I will be posting Essential Oil infused recipes and links where you can purchase your own essential oils.

  1. You can find me on Facebook at my Cookie Decorating Page called Violet's Creations 
  2. You can purchase oils through my FB shop called: Torrance Essential Oils  
  3. You can also become part of my Team by becoming a member. 
Young Living Premium Starter Kit
Young Living Premium Starter Kit
When you enroll with me, you not only receive amazing products from Young Living but I will walk you thru how to use your oils in baking and incorporating them into your business.  An extraordinary value that offers a comprehensive introduction to the power of essential oils, the Premium Starter Kit is the perfect option for those who are serious about transforming their lives.
Your Premium Starter Kit Includes:
  • Dewdrop™ Diffuser
  • Premium Essential Oils Collection;
    • Lavender 5-ml
    • Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml
    • Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml
    • Copaiba Vitality™ 5-ml
    • Frankincense 5-ml
    • Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml
    • Purification® 5-ml
    • R.C.™ 5-ml
    • DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml
    • PanAway® 5-ml
  • Stress Away™ 5-ml
  • AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
  • 10 Sample Packets
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Essential Oil Magazine
  • Essential Edge
  • Member Resources
One or more of the following essential oils may be substituted in the event of sourcing constraints or supply considerations: AromaEase™, Citrus Fresh™ Vitality™, Lemongrass Vitality™, Orange Vitality™ and Tea Tree.


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